Monday, November 15, 2010

DE Moms Talking about the NYC Gathering Nov 14,2010

To start with,here's a conversation that sums it all up for me. The other mom is a married parent of a non-de kid (older daughter mentioned below) and the other a de kid. 
She said:

Good work, Mama. It was a nice event. Husband was glad he went.  Our daughter was glad we went.  She was impressed that so many people were all there to discuss be in or becoming a family "like us".  Today after dinner I hugged her and told her that the day she was born, the day I first became a mother, was one of the happiest of my life.  Her response was  "I think that will make me really happy too one day.  And if I can't  have kids  I'll adopt one or get some eggs".  So matter-of-fact. I thought that was awesome.

And I said, Thank you for being you and being there for me as well-notes like this make itworthwhile. My daughter was totally beaming and very into it that yours asked for a play date.So, I said we'd come to the city to have one soon. I mean she was glowing! Then shesaid why dont you guys come here. Then stopped herself and said, no, they can't come here because its too messy at our house. So I said that not only do we like to go to the citybut that it really doesnt matter where we have a playdate, just that we have one. 

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